In its first four years, MITx—the Institute’s set of robust online learning offerings, including massive open online courses (MOOCs)—delivered MIT content to 85% of our undergraduates by pioneering on-campus blended learning models, as well as to more than 1.7 million unique enrollees from 195 countries. The broad adoption of MITx signals a strong interest in online learning. It also provides MIT researchers with a potent feedback loop on the science of education.
To further its commitment, the Office of Digital Learning (ODL) has created a new community of digital learning innovators called the MITx Digital Learning Lab. A collaborative program between ODL and MIT’s academic departments, the lab’s team strives to study and refine the use of digital learning on campus and beyond. Working closely with the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, ODL will also develop new methods of teaching and assess their effectiveness.
Published in April 2016.