Shaping a Sustainable Planet: Urgent Challenges, Multifaceted Responses

To mark the launch of the MIT Campaign for a Better World, groups of MIT leaders, faculty, alumni, and students gathered in May 2016 for a series of “Discover MIT” events to discuss in detail what the Campaign’s priorities mean in the context of MIT’s ongoing education, research, and innovation. How are we making a difference now? And what will this bold fundraising effort enable us to achieve?

In this video, panelists discuss some of the central challenges MIT is tackling to ensure the health of our planet, in such areas as energy, environment, climate, and water and food security.

Robert C. Armstrong
Director, MIT Energy Initiative; Chevron Professor of Chemical Engineering

John E. Fernández ’85
Director, Environmental Solutions Initiative; Professor, Department of Architecture

Joseff K. Kolman ’17
Physics and Political Science

John H. Lienhard
Director, Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab; Director, Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy; Abdul Latif Jameel Professor

Natasha C. Wright SM ’14
PhD candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Fellow, Tata Center for Technology and Design

Published in October 2016.

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