Supporting Tomorrow’s Innovators

Scholarships make it possible for talented, motivated students to come to MIT to explore, learn, and innovate. Because the best minds come from many different backgrounds, MIT has a longstanding commitment to need-blind admissions—of which scholarships are the foundation.

At MIT, we find it’s often best to let our students speak for themselves.

The following videos feature MIT undergraduates talking about how scholarship support­­ and the MIT experience it makes possible have shaped their lives.

This story was originally published in April 2017 and last updated in May 2021.

2021 Scholarship and UROP Scholarship Brunch

2019 West Coast Scholarship & UROP Brunch

Sunday, May 19, 2019, Palo Alto Hills Golf and Country Club

2019 Scholarship & UROP Brunch

April 7, 2019, Samberg Conference Center, MIT

2018 Scholarship & UROP Brunch

April 22, Samberg Conference Center, MIT


2017 Scholarship & UROP Brunch

April 30, Samberg Conference Center, MIT


2016 Scholarship & UROP Brunch

April 3, Samberg Conference Center, MIT

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