Building 14 Courtyard: An Oasis for the MIT Community

“In envisioning different ways that the MIT community could gather, collaborate, and conduct research, it was essential to design an intimate connection with nature in the Building 14 courtyard.”

Sheila Kennedy
Professor of Architecture
Principal, Kennedy & Violich Architecture

A curving bench moves through the landscaping, creating spaces for conversation or quiet contemplation. Photo: John Horner
Accessibility features include two new entrances and a paved stone walkway that winds throughout the courtyard. Photo: John Horner
The porch is a three-season community space featuring large accordion-fold windows that open to the courtyard. Photo: John Horner
The porch design blends indoors and out, with ash wood ceiling panels that feature leaf and vine designs and a sun screen that casts shadows like sunlight through trees. Photo: John Horner
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