Watch MIT Better World (Health) Event Videos

RUNTIME 1:01:06

At MIT Better World (Health) on February 18, 2021, MIT alumni and friends gathered online to hear insights from Institute leaders, faculty, alumni, and students who are using their knowledge to advance global health on multiple fronts.

Watch the full event playlist or a specific session:

Innovations in Human Health Main Session and Q&A
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session and Q&A

Advancing Racial Justice and Health in Disruptive Moments of Change
MIT School of Architecture and Planning Breakout Session

Conquering Covid-19: Developing a Vaccine for Everyone
MIT School of Engineering Breakout Session

MIT Sloan: News and Updates from E62
MIT Sloan School of Management Breakout Session

Saving by Spending: The Role of Primary Care in Diabetes
MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Breakout Session

Welcome to MIT Better World (Health)
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session Segment

W. Eric L. Grimson PhD ’80
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session Segment

Daniel P. Huttenlocher SM ’84, PhD ’88
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session Segment

Mariana Arcaya MCP ’08
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session Segment

Steven Truong ’20
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session Segment

Innovations in Human Health Q&A
MIT Better World (Health) Main Session Segment

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